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By Ven. Olusegun Onafeso
As a way of tackling future pandemic plague like the corona virus, Mr Bill Gate has proposed the use of skin embedded microchips, as a means of vaccination certification. There is an ongoing concern amongst Christians whether the microchip skin implant vaccination certifications proposed by Mr Bii Gate, and whose development is said to be currently being funded by him is the mark of the beast? The concern is further boosted by officially discribing the implant as a "quantum dot tatoo".
My opinion about this is that, this is not the sign of the beast, but a prelude to it. What is currently happening is a gradual conditioning of the human race to accept personal data computation. Due to a pandemic like Corona virus plague, the vaccination certification idea of Mr Bill Gate will gain widespread support in the near future. Personal Data Computation of Medical records will be the first to be accepted, thereafter, other more controlling Personal Data Computation (like financial records, religious allegiance, etc) will be gradually introduced. Invariably a time will arrive in the future, when people will be asked to express religious allegiance to the state, at that time there will be one global government and that is when, the mark of the beast will happen. Remember that the offshoot from the 2nd World War was the formation of the United Nations, likewise, the offshoot from worldwide crisis (like plague, economic depression, credible fears of aliens phenomenon etc) will eventually result to the emergence of a form of World Government as a replacement to the United Nations. But all these I am saying is not imminent now, until the unfolding of more trying times ahead to make a World Government inevitable. The rapture will happen either before the World Government is formed or during it's tyrannical oppression of the Church of Christ (2 Thess.2:3-4).
What the Church needs to do at this time is vigilance and doctrinal steadfastness to the gospel of Christ and the Scriptures. Compromising on little things are presently going on, when the compromise on big things begins to happen, a big shaking, which has never happened in the history of the Church will happen, in preparation for the rapture. Every Christian must be sure that, what he is holding is the authentic gospel, as handed down by the apostles and not mere Denominational dogmas or New Age version of Christianity. Training of Christians in true Discipleship and Stewardship, must be the primary focus of the Church, along with an unprecedented aggressive Evangelism. This we must ensure as the Church of Christ, to pass on, to the coming generations, generation after generation, until the coming of the Lord.
The second coming of Christ is in two parts, the first part is the rapture of the saints militant to join the saints triumphant in the sky (1Thess.4 : 15-17). This is largely an invisible event, the only thing the people left behind will notice is the vast disappearance of the faithful. The second part of the second coming of Christ is the descent of Christ with the saints, as written in Jude 14-25, to do two things:
1. Deliver the nation of Israel from the Armageddon war.(Rev. 19: 14-17)
2. To sack the World Government, and commence reigning as King over the whole world for a thousand years. This is the millennial reigned of Christ (Rev.20:1-7). These two events constitute the Second Advent of Christ.

Source: https://mobile.facebook.com/groups/28247...w&refid=18
Food for the Nation.

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