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Urea-Molasses Block for Cattle
Urea molasses block is a good suplement for cattle, especially those that are fed low quality forage like rice straw, grass hay, corn stover and other crop residues. It helps make the low quality forage more digestible and the animal gain more weight and produce more milk.The block is rich in protein (from urea), energy (from molasses, grain meals etc) and minerals (from mineral premix).
There are different ways to produce urea-molasses blocks. Here is one:
Molases: 30%
Rice bran: 20%
Urea: 4%
Cassava meal: 23%
Soybeans meal: 10%
Bone meal: 5%
Mineral premix: 3%
Salt: 5%
Bentonite: 5%
Using molasses is not compulsory. Here is another fmla without molasses or meals:
Urea, % 10
Salt, % 65
Cement, % 15
Mineral premix, % 10
N x 6.25, g/kg 250
Ca, g/kg >9
P, g/kg >5
Fe, mg/kg 1300
Cu, mg/kg 140
Zn, mg/kg 520
Mn, mg/kg 450
I, mg/kg 10
Co, mg/kg 5
Se, mg/kg 3
Salt and urea, and cement as a binder were used as purchased, while the remainder of the minerals was purchased as a mixture already prepared in a feed additive plant. The ingredients were then mixed by a shovel on a concrete floor. The mineral premix and cement were mixed first, and they were then well mixed with the rest of ingredients. The mixture was then compressed in a mould measuring 15 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm, and the resulting blocks weighing 2 kg each were wrapped immediately.
Note: Urea in excess is very toxic to ruminants. To prevent uneven distribution of urea on the block, dissolve it first in little water b4 mixing with the rest of the ingredients.
Source: www.lrrd.org/lrrd7/2/2.htm
The Urea block above was palatable to both cattle and goats and in the initial period of both trials the time of access had to be limited to avoid an excessive intake of Urea. The consumption of the block became stable after about ten days from the commencement of the trial. On average, the intake of the block was 50 g/head/day for cattle and 10 g/head/day for goats. Thus a ULB block weighing 2 kg is sufficient for one head of cattle for twenty days or for 10 goats for ten days.
Note: Don't give these blocks to animals younger than 6 months, or to animals which have not eaten anything for the whole day. Consumption of too much urea-molasses-mineral block must be prevented. Animals must always be provided with clean drinking water. The block must be protected from rainwater so that it does not soften and lead to overconsumption
Thanks for sharing.

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