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Rules and Regulations
To avoid being ban, please read and adhere to the following rules and regulations. There is no way we can make this forum great if people are allowed to disobey the rules and regulations.

1. Harassment & Bashing: Do not harass or bash other members. Don’t post or transmit any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material of any kind, including, but not limited to, any material which encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, violate the rights of others, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law. Please note that this also includes the posting of taunts on a forum solely for the purpose of demeaning that forum's topic and/or members.

2. Inappropriate Language, Insults and Bickering: In an event of difference in opinion, please do not go on to insult others or use inappropriate language to taunt them. Inappropriate or offensive language includes, but is not limited to, any language or content that is sexually oriented, sexually suggestive or abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, or that contains racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material of any kind.

We want this forum to be a place where friendliness abound and a place safe for kids. Therefore, don’t link to, mention or reference any website or organization that contains any of the aforementioned objectionable content. Any posts or links made to websites containing such will be removed and you will be banned without warning.

3. No spamming: Please don’t spam the forum with unnecessary posts or links.

4. No Double Posting: You may not post more than once in a row in the same thread. Posting lots of times in a row reduces the quality of the board, is a waste of the board's memory, and provides the culprit with ill earned post count points. Rather than double post, use the quote system. Double posts will be merged into regular posts.

5. External Links: You should only link to external sites if they supply additional information in a helpful manner. You are permitted to put a maximum of 3 links in your signature. Affiliate links or links to adult sites are not allowed.

6. Banning – Disobeying any of these or the TOS can result in a temporary or permanent ban depending on the offense.

These rules and regulations will be updated at any time.

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