02-17-2016, 10:53 PM
Cattle and milk production
Fodder is an important requirement for cattle. Even if the animals are fed with commercial feeds from the market, fresh green grass or dry straw is essential as fodder availability greatly reduces the expenditure on commercial feeds. The success of a dairy plant depends largely on increasing milk production without escalation in feeding cost. Growing fodder grass is a good option. Another is Azollacultivation.
Although the demand for milk and meat has increased in countries such as India, there has also been a substantial decline in fodder production owing to the decreasing forest and grassland areas. The fodder availability from various crops has also decreased largely due to the introduction of high yielding dwarf varieties. Shortages of fodder are therefore being compensated with commercial feed, resulting in increased cost of meat and milk production. Moreover, as commercial feed is mixed with urea and other artificial milk boosters, it has a deleterious effect on the quality of milk produced and the longevity of the livestock, which in turn leads to degenerative diseases like cancer and coronary ailments in human beings.
Dr. Kamalasanan Pillai and his colleagues at the Natural Resources Development Project (NARDEP) in Vivekananda Kendra therefore conducted trials using Azolla as a feed substitute for dairy animals.
Kamalasanana et al. (2002) found an increase in milk yield when Azolla was combined with regular feed, and that 15-20% of commercial feed could be replaced with the same quantity of Azolla on dry weight basis without affecting milk production, providing a 20-25% savings on buying commercial feeds:
“The increase in the milk yield was to the tune of 10–15%, which went up to 20%, during summer months from February to May. It is found that the increase in the quantity of the milk produced on the base of nutrient was higher than the quantity of Azolla fed. Hence, it is assumed that more than the carbohydrate, protein content and other components, like carotinoids, biopolymers, probiotics etc., may be contributing to the over all increase in the production of milk.”
They also concluded that feeding with Azolla improved the quality of milk and the health and longevity of livestock.
Another example of Azolla successful use as a feed for dairy cattle was Akhilesh Kumar’s study in the Patna district of Bihar, India. His results were so successful that he published a newspaper article followed by lectures to agricultural officers and veterenary surgeons at the BAIF State head office. After hearing the lectures and seeing the results, the BAIF Programme co-ordinator, Dr. K. K. Singh, recommended Azolla‘s use in the district by 100 farmers in the first month, followed by 10,000 farmers in the following six months.
Fodder is an important requirement for cattle. Even if the animals are fed with commercial feeds from the market, fresh green grass or dry straw is essential as fodder availability greatly reduces the expenditure on commercial feeds. The success of a dairy plant depends largely on increasing milk production without escalation in feeding cost. Growing fodder grass is a good option. Another is Azollacultivation.
Although the demand for milk and meat has increased in countries such as India, there has also been a substantial decline in fodder production owing to the decreasing forest and grassland areas. The fodder availability from various crops has also decreased largely due to the introduction of high yielding dwarf varieties. Shortages of fodder are therefore being compensated with commercial feed, resulting in increased cost of meat and milk production. Moreover, as commercial feed is mixed with urea and other artificial milk boosters, it has a deleterious effect on the quality of milk produced and the longevity of the livestock, which in turn leads to degenerative diseases like cancer and coronary ailments in human beings.
Dr. Kamalasanan Pillai and his colleagues at the Natural Resources Development Project (NARDEP) in Vivekananda Kendra therefore conducted trials using Azolla as a feed substitute for dairy animals.
Kamalasanana et al. (2002) found an increase in milk yield when Azolla was combined with regular feed, and that 15-20% of commercial feed could be replaced with the same quantity of Azolla on dry weight basis without affecting milk production, providing a 20-25% savings on buying commercial feeds:
“The increase in the milk yield was to the tune of 10–15%, which went up to 20%, during summer months from February to May. It is found that the increase in the quantity of the milk produced on the base of nutrient was higher than the quantity of Azolla fed. Hence, it is assumed that more than the carbohydrate, protein content and other components, like carotinoids, biopolymers, probiotics etc., may be contributing to the over all increase in the production of milk.”
They also concluded that feeding with Azolla improved the quality of milk and the health and longevity of livestock.
Another example of Azolla successful use as a feed for dairy cattle was Akhilesh Kumar’s study in the Patna district of Bihar, India. His results were so successful that he published a newspaper article followed by lectures to agricultural officers and veterenary surgeons at the BAIF State head office. After hearing the lectures and seeing the results, the BAIF Programme co-ordinator, Dr. K. K. Singh, recommended Azolla‘s use in the district by 100 farmers in the first month, followed by 10,000 farmers in the following six months.