Safer Pesticide for Dogs' Fleas and Ticks - Printable Version

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Safer Pesticide for Dogs' Fleas and Ticks - Hunter - 01-20-2020

Good day everyone. Pls, I need something that is safer than Sniper insecticide for my dogs.

RE: Safer Pesticide for Dogs' Fleas and Ticks - FarmTech - 01-21-2020

You can use Imidacloprid (for fleas only) and Fipronil (for both flea and ticks).

RE: Safer Pesticide for Dogs' Fleas and Ticks - FarmTech - 01-22-2020

Note: Fipronil will kill rabbits. Use ivermectin injection, selamectin, topical permethrin and carbamates. Two injections of ivermectin administered at 400  μ g/kg after 14 day interval will control mange (caused by mites) in rabbits

As a point of clarification, fleas and ticks are arthropods, but of these two, only fleas are insects and, as such, we use insecticides to kill them. Ticks are not insects, but are arachnids (class arachnida as are mites and spiders) and, as such, we use acaricides to kill them. Different pesticides have varying degrees of insecticidal and/or acaricidal properties.

RE: Safer Pesticide for Dogs' Fleas and Ticks - FarmKing - 01-26-2020

Cypermethrin can also be used for ticks and fleas. But note that using agricultural insecticides on dogs can be risky because of other chemicals they might contain. However, I have used it with good result. Just use a little the first time and check for any bad reaction. Apply it on the back of the neck and make sure you dilute it with water! Eg. 1ml in 10ml water or more. Don't apply them where the dogs can lick them.