Growing Cassava for Leaves for Ruminants - Printable Version

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Growing Cassava for Leaves for Ruminants - Henlus - 07-31-2019

Cassava leaves is a very good source of protein for ruminants (goats, cattle, and sheep). Young leaves contain 28-30% crude protein and older leaves contain about 20% crude protein. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Fiber content is high but this is a problem for monogastrics (poultry, pigs) and not for ruminants.

When growing cassava for leaves, they are planted close together to achieve 60,000 plants per hactare. This is equivalent to a spacing of about 60cm x 28cm. When cassava is grown for roots, plant density is about 10,000.

First harvest is done at 4 months after planting and subsequently, at 3 months intervals. Yield of up tp 21 ton dry matter per hactare is achievable per year. Harvest by cutting the stem at 40cm above ground.

Before feeding to ruminants, reduce the toxic cyanide content by chopping and wilting under shade before sun drying. During wilting, turn them regularly to prevent fermentation and spoilage. After wilting, they'll dry quickly under the sun. Another way to reduce cyanide content is by ensiling. Cyanide content of 508mg/kg (with respect to dry matter) have been reduced to 70 7mg/kg after ensiling for 21 days with 5% sugar paln syrup (i.e sugar and water at 1:1 ratio). Some cassava varieties are better detoxified by sun-drying, others by ensiling.

Cassava contains a good amino acid profile, though it is deficient in methionine. For minerals, it is a good source of calcium and trace minerals. Phosphorus abd sodium content is low.

Cassava leaves have been known to reduce nematode (worms) infestation in goats.

RE: Growing Cassava for Leaves for Ruminants - Henlus - 07-31-2019

How Ruminants can eat Cassava Leaves containing Cyanide without dying

Cyanide is a toxin in cassava roots and leaves. If sheep, cow or goats eat too much of this cyanide, they'll likely die. One way to prevent this is by feeding them sulphur or sulphur-amino acids like methionine. Another way is to reduce the cyanide content by wilting the leaves under shade followed by sun-drying.