How Many Cucumbers Should I Expect from A Single Plant? - Printable Version

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How Many Cucumbers Should I Expect from A Single Plant? - John@ - 08-27-2017

Pls Who knows? I've not had the time to experiment on this. At least with this valuable info we can estimate the number of bags to get from 1 plot of land.

RE: How Many Cucumbers Should I Expect from A Single Plant? - Sendrix - 09-15-2017

I'll also like to know. Any cucumber farmer in the house?

RE: How Many Cucumbers Should I Expect from A Single Plant? - Henlus - 09-23-2017

Hmm.. I have planted cuke twice but I was too busy to keep record of that. But it is definitely more than 10 per plant.

RE: How Many Cucumbers Should I Expect from A Single Plant? - Kiwi - 09-24-2017

pls anyone with a precise fact?