Full Version: At what Age Will Hen Start Laying?
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How long does it take before layers start to lay eggs?
They start to lay at about 18-22 weeks old.
About 10-20% of the birds will lay at 18-22 weeks. By 30-35 weeks, about 90% will be laying. This is where the peak normally occur. After peak, egg production gradually decline and reaches 50% at 60-70 weeks. This is when the birds are usually sold off or molted.
Nice one @Henlus. Do you know about molting?
(03-21-2015, 04:22 PM)Manihot Wrote: [ -> ]Nice one @Henlus. Do you know about molting?
molting is when pullets shed their feathers. it usually happens before they start laying. one of the early signs of maturity.
Thanks everyone, it's been a long time.