Full Version: Chicken Diseases: How to Get Rid of Mucus in the Mouth
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When chickens are down with respiratory diseases such as Newcastle disease, Coryza and CRD (Chronic Respiratory Disease), one of the symptoms is usually mucus clogging the throat and wind pipe. This mucus usually ends up choking the sick birds to death.

I’ve come across an effective way to to get rid of the mucus, and that is by using an antibiotic that contains Bromehexine. Few examples of such drugs include Enflox, Conflox, EnroFloxacin, Bromeflox etc. Most of the listed drugs contains Enrofloxacin, an antibiotic that’s ban in some countries. If it is ban in your country, you can go for any other drug against respiratory diseases, but they should also contain Bromehexine.
Thanks for the info. The mucus alone is what kills a lot of birds.
Our able Admin, thanks for this free info.
Another nice one admin. Tnks.
You're all welcome.
Yes, some birds just died because of the mucus. Tnks admin.
Thanks alot
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