Full Version: Feeding Duckweed to Layers?
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I think duckweed is the fastest growing plant we have. It grows on the surface of still waters and under good condition, it can double its weight within 2 days. So if you have 50kg of duckweed today, within 2 days it will increase to 100kg. The duckweed can also be added while formulating feed for layers and other birds. Despite all these advantages, I really wonder why nobody is growing duckweed. Could it be due to lack of knowledge or something else?
Many things are being neglected due to lack of knowledge and the fear of new challenges. In the case of duckweed, the challenge there is drying it. It is possible because you can easily dry it on suspended nets under the sun. We have a lot of sunshine hours here in Africa, but we Africans don't know how to make use of what we have.
Those that have the money don't have the knowledge, and those with the knowledge don't have the capital to start.
Where will you get the duckweed?
I don't know yet where I can get it, but I think some active agric bodies and universities can point me in the right direction.
Pls if anyone get it, let us know.
Does anyone know where to get it?
As anyone in d house started using DUCKWEED?
Like I said before, a good place to start is from agric organizations and universities. I think fishermen can also help.