Full Version: Nicotine/Tobacco as Pesticide for Crops
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Nicotine [font=&quot]
One of the top three insecticides in the 1880s, nicotine in several forms is still widely used. Nicotine comes from the tobacco plant and is extremely toxic to insects. The great advantage of homemade nicotine tea is that it is very short lived, retaining its toxicity for only a few hours after spraying. It is relatively nonhazardous to bees and lady beetles because of its short persistence.[/font]
Protection Offered: Nicotine is effective against ground and soil pests, especially root aphids and fungus gnats, and on many leaf-chewing insects, such as aphids, immature scales, leafhoppers, thrips, leaf miners, pear psylla, and asparagus beetle larvae.[/font]
How To Make: You can brew your own batch of nicotine tea by soaking tobacco leaves or cigarette butts in water to make a spray. Soak 1 cup of dried, crushed tobacco leaves, or an equivalent amount of cigarette butts, in one gallon of warm water with 1/4-teaspoon pure soap added. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth after it has soaked for 1/2 hour. The solution will keep for several weeks if stored in a tightly closed container.[/font]
How to Use: For soil pests, pour the spray mixture onto the soil in the area of the stem base and root zone. For leaf pests, spray leaves thoroughly, especially the undersides. Nicotine can be absorbed by plant leaves and remain there for several weeks. To be safe, use nicotine only on young plants and only up to one month before harvest. It's probably safest not to spray nicotine on eggplant, peppers or tomatoes. While most tobacco cultivars now grown are resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, nicotine sprays could contain the pathogen, which will infect nightshade family crops.

Tobacco teas are sometimes prepared by home gardeners to control garden pests, and while not as toxic as nicotine sulfate sprays, any nicotine solution toxic enough to kill insects can also be harmful to humans.[/font]

[font=&quot]Tobacco or Nicotine Spray:[/font]
This mixture is great for combating many different types of bugs; especially caterpillars, aphids, and many types of worms.

1 cup of tobacco
1 gallon of water
3 tablespoons of liquid dish soap

Mix tobacco and water in container. Allow mixture to set for approximately 24 hours, and then check the color. It should be the color of weak tea. If it is too light, allow to sit longer, if it is too dark, dilute with more water. Add the liquid soap to the mixture, and spray on plants.

Warning: Don't use this solution on peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, or any other member of the solanaceous family. Tobacco chemicals can kill these types of plants![/font]

[font=&quot]Nicotine Pesticide:[/font]
[FONT=&quot]1 bag of chewing tobacco
1 nylon stocking

Put the tobacco in the stocking, and tie the end closed. Put the stocking in one gallon of water, and let it sit overnight. This will create a “tea”. In the morning, remove the stocking from your tea, then add:

1 cup liquid dish soap
1 cup human urine

Mix well and use a pump sprayer to spray your plants – give them a bath, spray leaves, the ground near the base, etc.