Full Version: Tips on Resistance to antibiotics
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·     is mainly a problem in Gram-negative bacteria: E. coli, Salmonella
·        resistant strains can be introduced by one-day old chicks through the hatchery. So resistance is possible in farms where no drugs have been used
·        routine preventive treatments increase resistance
·        low concentrations (often in preventive treatments) increase resistance
·        some drugs easily create resistance: streptomycin
·        some drugs create multi-resistance. Multi-resistance is the combined resistance to different groups of drugs (e.g. neomycin)
·        in a healthy environment, where no antibiotics/chemotherapeutics are used, the resistance disappears rather rapidly.
Thanks for sharing.
Great tips. Thanx
(03-10-2016, 02:40 AM)poampip Wrote: [ -> ]thanks

i can see you just post spam to build up post count. I pray the admin just ban you.