Full Version: I am a new member, I just venture into poultry and wish to get counsel for success
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I am Adeyeye Emmanuel a new member wishing to get first-hand counsel that will help me in my poultry adventure
Welcome. You can find some info that have already been posted about poultry here:
If you have any specific questions u can ask.
Hi Everyone, My name is Gabby Ray - Am a new member I just recently started a small poultry farm and will need first-hand counsel to able to managed and succeed.
How many starter feeds will I need to feed one thousand laying birds
(06-15-2020, 02:24 PM)Gabby Ray Wrote: [ -> ]How many starter feeds will I need to feed one thousand laying birds

Sorry for the late reply bro. The starter period is from 0-4 weeks. A chick will need about 600g of feed during this period. Also see the feed chart here:
I hope this helped.