Full Version: When to start given my layers layer's feed
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Pls Admn I want u to enlight me on when to start given my layers chicken with layer's feed after I have seen egg for like a week now . Thanks for always been there
Layers Feed: It is introduced when 5-10% of the birds start laying and it is given until the birds are sold. Eg: If you have 100 birds, 5-10% means 5/100 x 100 =5 and 10/100 x100 = 10. So when you start seeing 5 to 10 eggs every day, switch to layers feed. For 200 birds it is: 5/100 x 200 = 10 and 10/100 × 200 = 20.

Also check out " Types of poultry feed.
Thanks so much I really appreciate that @ admn
U're welcome. How are ur layers doing now?
Nice replies henlus