Full Version: Organic Slug and Snail Control Using Beer and Cigarette
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Slug and snail are both part of the same creatures called gastropods. Most gastropods live in water. Snail and slugs are the only gastropods that can also be found on land. Both are similar but one obvious difference is that a snail have shell while a slug doesn’t. Because of the absence of shell in slugs, they can squeeze through tight spaces.

Slugs and snails can eat plant leaves, stems and roots, causing massive destruction in an infested farm if not controlled. They are most active at night when the soil is wet. One way to know that snails or slugs are in your farm is to look out for their slimy trails. They are silvery deposits on leaves, stems, and soil.

Using Cigarette and Beer: Put about 50ml beer in plastic cups and add dried tobacco contained in cigarette. Bury the cups so that their tops are flush with ground level. Leave a 3-5m space between each cup. The pests will be attracted by the smell of beer and killed by the nicotine in cigarette. Replace the mixture every 2 days. Prevent rain from diluting the mixture by shielding them with plastic covers supported by and weighed down by stones.