Full Version: Adding Drugs or Multivitamins to Chlorinated water?
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Is it advisable?
Interesting question. But I think it is better not to add medications to water containing any disinfectant. I think It’s just safer that way.
But boiling will drive away chlorine gas.
(02-14-2016, 07:43 PM)Hilux Wrote: [ -> ]But boiling will drive away chlorine gas.

It depends on the form of chlorine. If it is in form of chloramine, boiling won't help. But I think it won't have any effect on vitamins.
thanks for sharing
But note that it will badly affect vaccination. So avoid it during vaccination.
(08-19-2017, 12:57 PM)Henlus Wrote: [ -> ]But note that it will badly affect vaccination. So avoid it during vaccination.

Small tips like this can either make or destroy a livestock farmer. I can imagine a farmer reading the importance of chlorinating his animal's drinking water. He proceeded to chlorinate his GP tank of water. When time for vaccination came, he used the same water to administer the vaccine. Good advice!