Full Version: Market for Table-size Catfish
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Hello all, please what are the possible markets for catfish? Especially where I can sell in large quantity.
Beer parlors, event organisers, hotels, entertainment venues etc.
(02-09-2015, 09:27 PM)Manger Wrote: [ -> ]Beer parlors, event organisers, hotels, entertainment venues etc.

You could also process into smoked-fish and package for sales.
(02-18-2015, 07:08 AM)ASOKEM Wrote: [ -> ]You could also process into smoked-fish and package for sales.

I like the idea of smoking it rather than selling it fresh. You won't be compelled to sell out because of spoilage.
Smoking would be a nice idea. Can I also oven dry them?
I think oven drying would be more costly - cost of oven and fuel cost. But they will be better if you intend to export because they will easily meet export standard.