Full Version: Best Time to Give Lasota to Chicks?
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Some give at day old but some say it’s not good. So which one do I take?
Give at day 7.
Some usually give at day old and then on day 7. At day old you put a drop in the eyes or nose, not in water.
For complete protection against newcastle disease (NCD), local immunity in the upper respiratory tract (Harderian gland and trachea) and digestive tract is a must. This is only possible by systematic usage of the following NCD vaccines: asplin/F strain, followed by Lasota, R2B AND THEN AN INACTIVATED/killed NCD vaccine.

In the control of NCD, local immunity, cell mediated immunity and humoral immunity play a role. R2B and komorov strains are of the same category, both are mesogenic strains.
(02-08-2015, 10:07 PM)Manihot Wrote: [ -> ]For complete protection against newcastle disease (NCD), local immunity in the upper respiratory tract (Harderian gland and trachea) and digestive tract is a must. This is only possible by systematic usage of the following NCD vaccines: asplin/F strain, followed by Lasota, R2B AND THEN AN INACTIVATED/killed NCD vaccine.

In the control of NCD, local immunity, cell mediated immunity and humoral immunity play a role. R2B and komorov strains are of the same category, both are mesogenic strains.

I have heard of lasota and komorov, but which one is asplin/f strain, r2b and killed vaccine?
(02-10-2015, 06:37 PM)John@ Wrote: [ -> ]I have heard of lasota and komorov, but which one is asplin/f strain, r2b and killed vaccine?

The asplin/f strain can be replace with lasota since it is not common in Nig. R2B is Mushteshwar strain, a live newcastle vaccine. Killed vaccines contains dead virus.
someone told me that it is best to give them at 15days
(05-09-2015, 10:42 AM)tucurj Wrote: [ -> ]someone told me that it is best to give them at 15days

That is totally wrong.
@henlus, why did u say is wrong to give lasota on day 15, so farmers do dat. Can u sxplain why its wrong
(05-10-2015, 10:12 PM)Ikowa5 Wrote: [ -> ]@henlus, why did u say is wrong to give lasota on day 15, so farmers do dat. Can u sxplain why its wrong

Day 15 is too far. It shud be between 7-10 days. But the best way is to go for doc screening.
@henlus, thanks for d explanation