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Catfish farmers normally raise their fish until they attain a weight of 0.8kg or more before they sell. But in mélange farming, catfish are raised to 300-500g (for 2.5-3 months) before they’re sold either fresh or smoked. This method is highly profitable because at such a young age, catfish will grow faster while eating less feed.
It would be far more profitable if you hatch your own fish than when you buy them.

Possible Markets
• You can sell them fresh or smoked to market women that sell fish. They’ll buy in bulk and no packaging is required.
• You can sell them smoked to shops/malls or in offices like the banks, government institutions etc. You’ll get ready customers if it is well packaged.

Giving honor to whom honor is due: I got this idea from a forum friend called Robonski on Nairaland. From his posts and threads I see him as an experience fish farmer. If you have specific questions about this topic, you can contact him for help.
Nice idea.
Does anyone know about oven-drying fish?
Oven drying might be more costly than smoking.
Yes. According to Robonski on nairaland, melange is lucrative
Sun drying before smoking or oven drying can save cost. Good during dry season.