Full Version: Can Chickens be Given Antibiotics while still on Dewormer?
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Hello all. I missed when I was suppose to deworm my birds, and now it is clashing with when I’m suppose to give routine antibiotics to prevent Mycoplasma G. infection. So can I give both on the same day?
Some wormers have antibiotics, so they can go together.
That's what I finally find out. Thanks.
It may depend on the dewormer and antibiotic type. Maybe some can go together and some can't.
best deworm first and after 3days give antibiotics
If they are sick and they urgently need deworming, then u can give both the antibiotic and dewormer. If worm load is too much, you should give lower dose of dewormer to prevent too much worms from blocking the intestine or dying and releasing toxins that will kill the bird.