Full Version: Area Boys Harassing Farmers and Land Owners: Your Experience and Solution
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In this thread, I'll like us to share experience and profer solution to this issue of area boys harassment of farmers and land owners. Whenever you want to build any structure they'll appear and start demanding for large amount of money - an amount that is enough to start a farm business.

My Experience
Before my poultry farm was built, we have to pay this people N300,000 for 3 plots of land. Now assuming we did not have the money, I'll be roaming about towns looking for job. This kept me thinking that some graduates have access to land and money to start up a business, but the fear of these people force them to go for job hunting instead.
In Anambra state, the past govnor, Peter Obi, passed a law that illegalize the acts of area boys. The law states: "D. Any person who collect or demand any fee (not approved by law) from any person developing or improving on existing development on land has a punishment of 5 years jail or N500,000 fine or both"
"F. Any person who unlawfully destroys, remove, damage any beacon or structure on any land will go to 10 years jail or N1m fine or both"
My father had another 2 plot of land which I'll like to develop into a rabbit and poultry farm, but I know that if I should step on the land to build anything again, these guys will appear and demand for 200k or more. For me, I'm not paying anything, I'd rather gather evidence of their activities with video cameras and sue them to court.
That's my own experience and possible solution, now what do you guys think?
Gathering evidence with video camera is a good idea. But just make sure they don't see it.
That's a very good law for Anambra state.
How is it going?
(12-20-2014, 09:20 PM)Manihot Wrote: [ -> ]How is it going?

Seems like I'll be planting plantain there instead of establishing a livestock farm. But I'm still preparing for them just in case.
(11-14-2014, 04:57 PM)Henlus Wrote: [ -> ]In this thread, I'll like us to share experience and profer solution to this issue of area boys harassment of farmers and land owners. Whenever you want to build any structure they'll appear and start demanding for large amount of money - an amount that is enough to start a farm business.

My Experience
Before my poultry farm was built, we have to pay this people N300,000 for 3 plots of land. Now assuming we did not have the money, I'll be roaming about towns looking for job. This kept me thinking that some graduates have access to land and money to start up a business, but the fear of these people force them to go for job hunting instead.
In Anambra state, the past govnor, Peter Obi, passed a law that illegalize the acts of area boys. The law states: "D. Any person who collect or demand any fee (not approved by law) from any person developing or improving on existing development on land has a punishment of 5 years jail or N500,000 fine or both"
"F. Any person who unlawfully destroys, remove, damage any beacon or structure on any land will go to 10 years jail or N1m fine or both"
My father had another 2 plot of land which I'll like to develop into a rabbit and poultry farm, but I know that if I should step on the land to build anything again, these guys will appear and demand for 200k or more. For me, I'm not paying anything, I'd rather gather evidence of their activities with video cameras and sue them to court.
That's my own experience and possible solution, now what do you guys think?

Getting a video evidence is not bad,but presenting it at any point in time might be very dangerous for you.
(01-12-2015, 01:47 PM)infotainment Wrote: [ -> ]Getting a video evidence is not bad,but presenting it at any point in time might be very dangerous for you.

That's a possibility, but I won't succumb to it. I can always catch them a second time on video. The court action this time will be grievous.
Government need to arrest anyone who is going contrary to law of the country
With all these strikes in nigeria. That's not helping matters.