Full Version: How Long Does it Take a Rabbit to Reach 3kg Weight?
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From your experience, how long does it take a rabbit to reach 3kg?
It depends on how you feed them though, plus the management practices you put in place. I’ve read of cases where it takes 5-6 months for a rabbit to attain that weight. But that was when they were fed grasses with little supplementary concentrates. When feed exclusively on balanced pellets, they can attain 1.8- 2.25kg in 8 weeks.
It also depends on the breeds. The medium breeds are used in commercial rabbitry. Californian white and newzealand are popular.
Thanks for the contributns.
My NZW getting close to 3 Kg in 13 weeks
(12-27-2015, 03:19 PM)hungle64 Wrote: [ -> ]My NZW getting close to 3 Kg in 13 weeks

What did you feed them?
(12-28-2015, 07:52 PM)Henlus Wrote: [ -> ]What did you feed them?

We formulated our own feed. No harmful things added. For breeding stock, we add more green and cut back on pellet.
This operation is in Vietnam!